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Monday, March 26, 2007

Adventures of Flat Susan

Flat Susan has made her first 2 stops on her world tour. Both of her first stops were in Arizona.
First stop: An elementary school. What fun she had visiting with the kids!! :)
Second Stop: Moonlighting as a new car model. I look good in black, don't I?? :)
Stopped for a little lunch ..... I do enjoy Chinese food! :)

Apparently Flat Susan was attempting to escape from her host family's house to take a joy ride in that new black car. The dog was in on the deal......the attempt was thwarted. Whew! Would not like Flat Susan to spend the remainder of her journey in an Arizona jail!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Flat Susan can come visit me anytime she can play with Flat Aileen who is back from Europe!
